Personal stories of reclaiming life from mental ill health



Mindshackles volunteers are male and female. We are married, in relationships and single. We are mothers, fathers and those who couldn’t have or never wanted to have children. Mindshackles volunteers are gay, straight and people who don’t want to be labelled. We are entrepreneurs, unemployed and nine to fivers. One thing unites us, we have all had significant problems with our mental health during at least one point of our lives, or we care for somebody else who has, and we have made it through the other side. Some of us continue to experience ongoing mental health problems but each time we find a way to get out of bed and live another day.

The majority of Mindshackles volunteers are people with a deep passion for something or someone and that aids our recovery. We want to tell our stories as part of our own journey to self acceptance and ongoing recovery and to help others (and their loved ones) understand that they are not alone.  Many of us have used our participation in the project to start conversations with our own families and friends about mental health.

If you feel ready to join us and contribute to Mindshackles by telling your own personal story of how you have reclaimed your life from mental ill health or wish to find out more about getting involved in the future please get in touch via mindshacklesuk@gmail.com or @mindshackles on Twitter.
If you wish to share your story but want to remain anonymous in the photographs we can discuss together how to make that happen.